
Knowing Sedation Dentistry For Children

Children are more apprehensive about dental treatments. The fear of occurring pain when diagnosing any dental issues is what might keep them from visiting the dental clinics or could be any dental instruments. Whatever it be the case, keeping oral health in good shape is important, especially at a young age.  Here discuss sedation dentistry being given to kids. Depending on the type of dental treatments, they might have to undergo sedation. This can be even more worrying to you as a parent, but knowing it beforehand will make you less worried.

Types of Sedation

There are several levels of sedation your dentist may choose to use depending on your child and the procedure to be undertaken.

– The lowest level of sedation is the nitrous oxide, which is given under normal conditions for the kids to just relax. It won’t put your child to sleep.

– Mild sedation is applied using orally administered drugs. Your child will remain awake and usually be able to respond normally to verbal communication.

– Moderate sedation will make your kid drowsy and it makes your kid’s communication not clear. There is a chance that they remain sleepy after the process.

– Deep sedation is induced using intravenous drugs and will mean that your child is fully asleep. They may move a little and make sounds in response to repeated stimulation or any pain, but they will be in a deep sleep.

When Is Sedation Needed?

There could be reasons to apply sedation during a painful dental procedure. The sedation may be required to avoid any unnecessary discomfort. Depending on the type and length of the procedure, any of the above types of sedation might be appropriate.

If your child is too frightened to visit dentist, it is necessary to make their dental experience smooth. The level of sedation required will depend on the level of anxiety and the procedure. As mentioned previously, nitrous oxide is used for mild sedation and if the kids tend to show more fear or phobia during the procedure then the dentist will apply the higher level sedation.

Concerns and Contraindications

Sedation has been in use since long and the methods and drugs are continuously reviewed. Only an anesthesia technician will provide anesthesia and during deep sedation, and your child is constantly monitored by the trained professionals.

Sometimes the sedation can result in side effects such as nausea, imbalance and sometimes vomiting. These effects usually fade by themselves. Sedation of children for dental procedures is a common and safe practice. It may be worrying when your dentist first suggests it, but it is important not to increase your child’s anxiety so that they can maintain excellent dental care throughout their lives.

Lakewood Dental Smile is exceptional in offering various dentistry practices ranging from the general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry.